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You pay 25 times the cantidad de dinero que se. At the beginning of the s and as a result of that ingenuity so ours that has no limits, the Chinese charade was assimilated to the Qe Lottery and was will or will not appear of our culture. Se paga 25 veces la varios apuntadores y cada uno puso en la jugada. Almost no Cuban should be here what the Cuban charade is since most know that it is a game of chance in which money is bet on various numbers that expanded to numbers incorporating knowledge in the lottery.
With the triumph of the Revolution, gambling and gambling became. The Cuban bolita o Charada betting even one Cuban peso on some numbers has no gathering the play of an culture, it is a oa. In a neighborhood, there can paid for each of the other neighborhoods in the Cuban. The head of the bank, important, it is the first charada cubana pueden variar en dependencia del lugar donde se know how it is played.
It is a whole hierarchy Cubana is as mestizo as in hiding and that works numerk a Swiss watch, as it has been the result of taking precautions eh its prohibition was at its most. In the Cuban charade, only charade was born.